NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Recreational Information Program is responding to questions about interviewing anglers, weighing and measuring fish, and deciding where to sample the recreational fishing community.
Why does NOAA Fisheries collect recreational fishing data?
The agency’s Marine Recreational Information Program produces recreational harvest data as mandated by the Magnuson-Stevens Act. MRIP uses surveys to measure the number of fish saltwater anglers catch, keep, and release, and how many trips they take, known as “fishing effort.” The data we collect are used to estimate total recreational catch by species, the type of fishing taking place, whether from shore, private, or charter boat, and the area fished. These estimates are combined with commercial fisheries catch data, biological research, and information collected from direct scientific observations of a fishery. They help scientists and managers assess the health of our fish stocks and set rules to keep them sustainable.
How does NOAA Fisheries collect data?
We use in-person interviews to collect information about the number of fish an angler has caught on a trip, and to weigh and measure their catch. We use a mail survey to ask coastal households to report the number of shore and private boat trips they took during a given period of time. We use a combination of telephone surveys and electronic trip reports to collect catch and effort data from for-hire captains.
How many trips does NOAA Fisheries collect data from each year?
Our partners at state fish and wildlife agencies collect data from about 100,000 angler trips each year along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and in Hawaii. An angler trip is one fishing trip taken by a single angler. For example, if six anglers fish from a charter boat, their fishing trip is considered six angler trips. If one angler fishes from a pier in the morning and then surfcasts that afternoon, that angler has taken two angler trips.
Why do field interviewers weigh and measure fish?
Fish weights and lengths help fisheries scientists assess the health of our fish stocks. Because recreational catch limits are generally set in pounds, NOAA Fisheries also uses weight data to monitor toward these limits. Information about fish lengths helps us understand how regulations on size limits affect landings and fish stock health.
How does NOAA Fisheries decide where to conduct interviews?
Field interviewers working for state resource agencies are assigned to public fishing access sites like piers, boat ramps, and docks. These assignments are based in large part on the amount of fishing that is expected to take place during a particular day and time. Sampling sites based on their anticipated levels of fishing activity helps ensure our sample is representative and efficient. It captures the fishing activity that occurs at all types of sites, at all times of the day and week, but ensures field interviewers don’t spend too much idle time at low-activity sites.
Do you have a question about recreational fishing data you’d like us to answer? Email