Adaptive Management under Amendment 3 to the Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan allows for a March 1 to April 15 recreational season for ocellated flounder in the Atlantic Ocean if the additional harvest does not limit the rebuilding of the southern flounder stock. While the purpose of the spring season is to allow for additional recreational access to summer and Gulf flounder, there is the potential for southern flounder to be harvested during this time. Due to the overage of the TAC and to meet sustainable harvest requirements established under Amendment 3, the Division will not open an ocellated flounder season in the Atlantic Ocean.
The dates for the 2023 fall recreational flounder season will be announced at a later date once all data are finalized.
North Carolina’s southern flounder fisheries are managed under the Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Amendment 3. For more information on the management measures, see the Southern Flounder Information Page under Hot Topics.