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 Gary Hurley

Swansboro August 24, 2006

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 Gary Hurley

Morehead City August 24, 2006

The weekend of August 11-13 was a breezy one in southeast North Carolina, but 113 boats braved rough conditions to fish the 15th Annual Rotary Club of Snead’s Ferry King […]

 Gary Hurley

Sneads Ferry KMT 2006

The weekend of August 11-13 was a breezy one in southeast North Carolina, but 113 boats braved rough conditions to fish the 15th Annual Rotary Club of Snead’s Ferry King […]

 Gary Hurley

North Myrtle Beach August 17, 2006

Mark, at Shallow Minded Guide Fishing, reports that excellent flounder fishing is taking place on the nearshore reefs. Fish are hitting live mullet and ranging 18 to 26 inches. Bluefish […]

 Gary Hurley

Ocean Isle August 17, 2006

Brant, at Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that the spanish mackerel bite has been hot in the area. If you fish anywhere from the sea buoy out to 50 foot […]