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 Gary Hurley

Releases – October 11, 2012

On September 14, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released its recommendations for budget cuts that include withholding parts of the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, a […]

 Gary Hurley

Swansboro September 27, 2012

Rob, of Sandbar Safari Charters, reports that inshore action continues to be good in the Swansboro area. Large amounts of shrimp and other bait are in the marshes right now, […]

 Gary Hurley

North Carolina Inshore Championship

The mood was high aboard the “Flounder Nuts” as it pulled up to the scales of the North Carolina Inshore Championship, and the reason was soon apparent—the 11.02 lb. flounder […]

 Gary Hurley

Atlantic Beach Saltwater Classic

Grabbing the leaderboard on the tournament’s first day and fending off the competition by 5.5 lbs., Skip Conklin and the “Ocean Athlete” fishing team earned first place in the 2012 […]

 Gary Hurley

Ocean Isle September 27, 2012

Brant, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that fall is here and so is fall fishing. The wahoo bite has been excellent along the break lately, with anglers hooking big […]