Fishing Reports
Lewis, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that whiting and croakers will be some of the first species to start producing for anglers that are bottom fishing from the surf […]
Donald, of Custom Marine Fabrication, reports that anglers have been finding some speckled trout (25”+). It’s pretty remarkable, but some red drum (to 30”) have been caught in the lower […]
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that anglers getting out are mostly targeting red drum in the backwaters and around structures (such as pilings) in the ICW. Both cut […]
John, of Dave’s Outpost, reports that red drum has been the main focus of anglers in the area. With the cooler water temperatures, these fish are schooled up relatively thick […]
Matt, of Chasin’ Tails, reports that anglers targeting red drum have found some good action around the Shark Island area. Speckled trout are still biting, though the cooler water temperatures […]