Fishing Reports from the Carolina Beach area
Red, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that anglers are finding their typical summer catches. Flounder of all sizes are coming from the river, with throwbacks and citation-sized fish equally […]
Lewis, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that redfish are coming in on fresh shrimp and artificials, such as 3″ Gulp shrimp in new penny. A few black drum have […]
Lewis, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that there are a few trout in the creeks, and they’re mostly biting Z-Man and Gulp shrimp. Redfish have been on the oyster […]
Lewis, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that area inlets are producing plenty of red drum and flounder. Surf anglers are landing decent numbers of pompano, while those fishing on […]
Lewis, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that surf anglers are finding an improved flounder bite. The flatfish have been hitting live and cut bait. The beach has also been […]