Fishing Reports from the Carolina Beach area
Dave, at, reports that the gulf stream is a mixed bag of yellowfin tuna and dolphin, with a few wahoos mixed in. As the water continues to warm, you […]
Dave Tilley, at, reports that the gulf stream has been consistent around the Same Ole. Yellowfin tuna are making up most of the early morning bite, with some scattered […]
Barry, at Cape Fear Marine and Tackle, reports a few flounder are showing up in the inlet and waterway. Most are small, but there have been a few caught weighing […]
Dave Tilley, of, reports that with the offshore water cooling down, wahoo is the name of the game. Dark blue and white ballyhoo rigs work wonders. Yellowfin tuna should […]
Barry, at Cape Fear Marine and Tackle, reports fall fishing is finally getting underway, especially inshore. Speckled trout and redfish are biting very well in the bays, and flounder have […]