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Fishing Reports from the Carolina Beach area

 Fish Post

Carolina Beach May 26, 2005

Robbie, at Seagull Bait and Tackle, reports that big blues moved in over the weekend. The store weighed in several blues in the 7 to 9 pound class. Guys were […]

 Gary Hurley

Carolina Beach April 15, 2005

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 Fish Post

Carolina Beach April 2005

Barry, at Cape Fear Marine and Tackle, reports fishing has been rather slow, and anglers are doing more preparing than fishing. Bluefish were reported south of Southport, so Carolina Beach […]

 Fish Post

Carolina Beach Winter 2004

Steve, of Seagull Bait and Tackle, reports that the November fishing has been great. With a little less wind people would have done even better. Inshore there were plenty of […]

 Fish Post

Carolina Beach October 28, 2004

Harry G, of Seagull Bait and Tackle, reports that the main player for pier fishermen has been spots. They’ve been running off and on for the past two weeks, with […]