Fishing Reports from the Hatteras/Ocracoke area
Nicole, of Hatteras Jack, reports that surf anglers have been able to find some action on puppy drum staged in holes around the Point. Some early season sea mullet are […]
Nicole, of Hatteras Jack, reports that surf anglers bottom fishing with bloodworms have been able to hook into some sea mullet and blowtoads. Carolina rigs with chunks of cut mullet […]
Jeremy, of Hatteras Jack, reports that anglers are seeing a good run of bluefish throughout the surf, with most being in the 20” range. There are larger blues around, but […]
Ian, of Hatteras Jack, reports that there has been plenty of finger mullet schools running back in the sound, and this has the fall fishing fired up. Red drum are […]
Ian, of Hatteras Jack, reports that anglers fishing flats in the sound have been catching speckled trout and some good-sized puppy drum. Targeting areas around the inlets has provided some […]