Fishing Reports from the Morehead City/Atlantic Beach area
Matt, of Chasin’ Tails Outdoors, reports that anglers are hooking plenty of flounder all over the area, with anglers connecting with the flatfish from the inshore marshes to the nearshore […]
Matt, of Chasin’ Tails Outdoors, reports that anglers are connecting with plenty of flounder while drifting the channels in the ICW and behind Shackleford. Live mud minnows are producing most […]
Tim, of Chasin’ Tails Outdoors, reports that anglers are connecting with scattered speckled trout and puppy drum in the Haystacks marshes, with more action around the docks and marshes off […]
Matt, of Chasin’ Tails Outdoors, reports that the southwest winds have kept many anglers out of the ocean over the past week, but those who’ve gone are still finding spanish […]
Matt, of Chasin’ Tails Outdoors, reports that anglers are hooking good numbers of flounder while drifting the ICW and behind Shackleford, with live mud minnows producing most of the action […]