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Fishing Reports from the Morehead City/Atlantic Beach area

 Fish Post

Morehead City June 16, 2005

George, at Carolina Bait and Tackle, reports that small kings are all over the area. There were a few kings in the 20 lb. class caught at AR 315. You […]

 Fish Post

MOrehead City June 9, 2005

Paul, at Freeman’s Bait and Tackle, reports that the cobia bite is still strong behind the Hook and Shackleford Banks, and on Rough Point (just outside the inlet). The blues […]

 Fish Post

Morehead City July 14, 2005

George, at Carolina Bait and Tackle, reports that the Big 10/Little 10 has been full of dolphin. Plenty of kings in the 20 to 30 lb. range came in this […]

 Fish Post

Morehead City June 2, 2005

Jas, at Sportsman’s Pier, reports that the catch has been mostly blues. Many people are catching them in the 7 to 10 lb. range. During one run the pier had […]

 Gary Hurley

Morehead City May 12, 2005

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