Fishing Reports from the North Myrtle Beach/Little River area
Mark, of Shallow Minded Inshore Fishing Charters, reports that there are big numbers of sea bass (many 14-16”) feeding around the Jim Caudle Reef and at other structure within 5 […]
Mark, of Shallow Minded Inshore Fishing Charters, reports that anglers are catching big numbers of flounder in Tubbs Inlet (with plenty of small fish, but keepers in the mix, too). […]
Patrick, of Capt. Smiley’s Fishing Charters, reports that flounder have been the best thing going lately, and anglers are catching big numbers of the tasty flatfish in Tubbs Inlet. There […]
Mark, of Shallow Minded Inshore Fishing Charters, reports that there’s been a good flounder bite in the Cherry Grove marshes lately, and mud minnows or other small live baits or […]
Mark, of Shallow Minded Inshore Fishing Charters, reports that the local inshore fishing slowed down a bit over the past week. The new moon and an unusual worm hatch that […]