Fishing Reports from the Ocean Isle/Holden Beach area
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that most anglers in the area have been focused on the red drum and flounder action, and the best target area has been […]
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that anglers continue to find red drum action by targeting docks along the ICW. In summertime fashion, these fish are scattered, and many […]
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that red drum are in a summertime pattern where they are scattered throughout the area. Anglers have done best by casting their Carolina-rigged […]
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that the Atlantic bonito season was great this year for anglers that took advantage of that fishery off the beach. As these water […]
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that red drum are still mostly in winter patterns and are just now breaking out of the schools and spreading throughout the area. […]