Fishing Reports
Mike, of Native Son Guide Service, reports that the nearshore bite has been excellent, with both Atlantic bonito and spanish mackerel schooled up in the 2-5 mile range. Trolling Clarkspoons […]
Betty, of TW’s Bait and Tackle, reports that anglers at the Point are catching citation-sized drum on large cut baits after dark. A few “chopper” bluefish (to 35”) have hit […]
Rick, of The Reel Outdoors, reports that spanish mackerel have moved into the area now that water temperatures are rising. Most of these fish have been 2-3 lbs., and casting […]
Matt, of Tex Tackle, reports that inshore fishing has quickly shifted towards a summer time pattern, with better numbers of bluefish, flounder, and spanish mackerel being caught. Fishing for red […]
Angie, of Dutchman Creek Bait and Tackle, reports that the whiting action is strong. Fresh shrimp remains the top bait for these fish, but Fishbites and bloodworms have been producing […]