Fishing Reports
Chris, of East Coast Sports, reports that the inshore red drum action remains hot, especially on top of oyster rocks. Topwaters have been the best lures for the reds, particularly […]
Jeff, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that slot reds have been chewing on finger mullet in the backwaters. Some trout have been caught on live shrimp, and there have […]
Colton, of Island Tackle and Hardware, reports that the water in the area is still dirty, and so fishing has been slow. Overall, anglers are finding their typical summer catches, […]
Matt, of Tex’s Tackle, reports that fishing for reds has stayed productive despite all the recent rain. Schools of slot-sized fish have been working on the flats behind the islands, […]
Ryan, of Hatteras Jack, reports that bluefish are feeding well on Carolina-rigged cut baits in the surf. When the fish are busting bait at the surface, throwing casting jigs to […]