Fishing Reports
Donald, of Custom Marine Fabrication, reports that a few speckled trout are starting to show back up in the lower Neuse River system with dryer weather allowing the salinity to […]
Patrick, of Captain Smiley’s Fishing Charters, reports that anglers look forward to water temperatures catching back up to a typical season and reaching mid-60s for fishing to really fire up. […]
Matt, of Tex’s Tackle, reports that red and black drum have been more active and easier to catch with the warmer temperatures. Shrimp and mud minnows are still the best […]
Nick, of Chasin’ Tails, reports that speckled trout fishing is getting better in the creeks as water temperatures begin to rise. Some red drum are mixed in with the trout, […]
Ryan, of Hatteras Jack, reports that surf anglers have begun to see pufferfish showing up for those rigged with bloodworms, squid, or shrimp. Sea mullet are mixed in and hitting […]