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Fishing Reports from the Swansboro/Emerald Isle area

 Gary Hurley

Swansboro September 28, 2006

Jeff, at FishN4Life Charters, reports that the chill in the air marks the start of the fall speckled trout bite. For several weeks now the specks have been biting well […]

 Gary Hurley

Swansboro September 14, 2006

Jeff, at FishN4Life Charters, reports that the storm water run-off has really affected the clarity as well as the salinity of the water in Swansboro, but amazingly the fish are […]

 Gary Hurley

Swansboro August 31, 2006

Jeff, at FishN4Life Charters, reports that the nearshore waters (from the inlets out five miles) are holding very good numbers of summer flounder. Most boats are recording multiple catches. The […]

 Gary Hurley

Swansboro August 24, 2006

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 Gary Hurley

Swansboro August 17, 2006

Stan, at Captain Stanman’s Fishing Charters, reports that they have had the best bite of 20 pound kings in the past several years out of Bogue Inlet at the nearshore […]