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Fishing Reports from the Topsail/Sneads Ferry area

 Gary Hurley

Topsail April 15, 2005

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 Fish Post

Topsail April 2005

Chris, at East Coast Sport, report that Surf City Pier has seen a few sea mullet, a few blues and some sharks and skates. Seaview Pier and Jolly Roger Pier […]

 Fish Post

Topsail Winter 2004

Chris, of East Coast Sports, reports that a few bluefin tuna have been caught at the Knuckle Buoy (34.26.82 N x 76.28.20 W), and most have been hooked in the […]

 Fish Post

Topsail October 28, 2004

Chris, at East Coast Sports, reports that all of the area piers have been enjoying the spot runs, especially at night. All the piers are recording catches, with no single […]

 Fish Post

Topsail October 14, 2004

Doug, at East Coast Sports, reports that the piers have seen strong fishing action. The spot run is just beginning, as evident from the few yellow bellies mixed in without […]