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Fishing Reports from the Wrightsville Beach area

 Gary Hurley

Wrightsville Beach April 15, 2005

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 Gary Hurley

Morehead City April 15, 2005

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 Fish Post

Wrightsville Beach April 2005

Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports that spring fishing has been pretty slow, but with water temperatures rising it could break loose any day. There are a few flounder and puppy […]

 Fish Post

Wrightsville Beach Winter 2004

Tex, of Tex’s Tackle, reports a good king mackerel bite on cigar minnows in early November from the 10 mile areas off Wrightsville Beach and Topsail. The Cabbage Patch area […]

 Fish Post

Wrightsville Beach October 28, 2004

Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports sailfish and wahoo in the gulf stream and a stray 68 lb. wahoo landed at 23 Mile Rock. King fishing is best just off the […]