Fishing Reports from the Wrightsville Beach area
Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports that the spanish fishing has been good over the past week. There’s plenty to be caught, and he’s also seen some larger sized ones caught. […]
Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports that spanish mackerel are very thick off Masonboro. The bigger spanish are mixed in with small kings at Dallas Rocks. Tarpon are cruising along the […]
Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports better sized flounder being landed with more keepers than throwbacks in the inlet areas of Rich’s, Mason’s, and Masonboro. Sheepshead fishing is really picking up […]
Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports that spanish mackerel are thick from Mason’s Inlet north to Rich’s Inlet. They are hitting trolled silver Clark spoons, or if they surface they may […]
Tex, at Tex’s Tackle, reports that red drum are biting well inshore in the creeks and waterways on artificials and live menhaden. Flounder are still biting everywhere, but many are […]