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Press Releases

 Fish Post

Recreational cobia season opens on May 1 with changes to private vessel regulations…

MOREHEAD CITY – The recreational cobia fishing season will open May 1 in North Carolina waters with new private vessel limits. During the open season, the minimum size limit will be […]

 Fish Post

Weakfish have been in decline since the 1980s, despite harvest restrictions…

Weakfish have been in decline since the 1980s, despite harvest restrictions. Fisheries management, including harvest quotas for recreational and commercial sectors, rely heavily on available data on weakfish mortality, but […]

 Fish Post

Changes to two marine fisheries rules are now in effect. One of the rules pertains to tarpon and the other to the…

Changes to two marine fisheries rules are now in effect. One of the rules pertains to tarpon and the other to the transfer of Standard and Retired Standard Commercial Fishing […]

 Fish Post

Abandoned and derelict vessels (ADV’s) litter the North Carolina coastline as a result of severe storms and…

Abandoned and derelict vessels (ADV’s) litter the North Carolina coastline as a result of severe storms and disregard for vessel maintenance needs. ADVs degrade the coastal landscape, cause navigational hazards, […]

 Fish Post

New recreational bag limits for spot and Atlantic croaker will take effect April 15…

New recreational bag limits for spot and Atlantic croaker will take effect April 15, and commercial spot and Atlantic croaker seasons will close beginning in December. The new recreational bag […]