Press Releases
Of the 231.5 million adults living in the United States in 2010, 32.4 percent—or 75 million—participated in recreational boating, according to findings from the National Marine Manufacturers Association’s annual Recreational […]
The Oriental Rotary Club is hosting their 19th Annual Tarpon Tournament July on 29-31 out of the River Neuse Suites in Oriental. In addition to two days of competitive fishing […]
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is accepting applications for proposals for the 2012 funding cycle from the N.C. Marine Resources Fund. The fund, which receives proceeds from the sale […]
Where do Atlantic bluefin tuna seen off the Outer Banks spawn? And where do they go after they leave North Carolina waters? A partnership of Outer Banks marinas, charter […]
Combining classroom instruction and on-the-water experience that lets students put what they’ve learned to use, the 59th annual NC State University Sport Fishing School will be held June 5-9 out […]