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Tidelines: Notes from the Publisher’s desk

 Gary Hurley

Tidelines – August 9, 2012

If you’re looking for a new way to celebrate your birthday, then I have a few suggestions. Meet up with a handful of friends in the parking lot behind Redix […]

 Gary Hurley

Tidelines – August 2, 2012

Regular readers know that in addition to Fisherman’s Post Newspaper, I also teach English at Cape Fear Community College. I bring this up in this week’s Tidelines column because with […]

 Gary Hurley

Tidelines – July 26, 2012

How do you shove an unwilling 300+ lb. man off a dock into the water? I’ll tell you what I did. I stood behind a man in a wheelchair. Last […]

 Gary Hurley

Tidelines – July 2012

The business end of running a saltwater fishing newspaper, as well as some general obstacles and obligations, has kept me from the quality fishing time needed to write a fishing-focused […]

 Gary Hurley

Tidelines – July 12, 2012

How far would you go to catch a speckled trout? Would you leave Wilmington at 7:00 pm to start the two hour drive up to Beaufort? Would you check into […]