Tournament Reports
With the top ten red drum separated by just one pound and eight of the top ten flounder weighing over 5 lbs., the participants in the inaugural Southport Inshore Challenge […]
Taking the top spot in both the two-fish aggregate leaderboard and the big fish TWT, Capts. Jeff Cronk and Mike Taylor—Team NC Charter Fishing—scaled a pair of red drum weighing […]
After a much-maligned king mackerel bite in the weeks leading up to the event, the action went white-hot during the 2012 Jolly Mon King Mackerel Tournament, held June 22-24 out […]
Scaling the 69 lb. winning fish early on in the event, Harkers Island’s Anthony Nelson took first place in the First Annual Chasin’ Tails Cobia Challenge, held April 1-June 11 […]
Durham angler Doug Farlow landed his first citation flounder on the right day, bringing the 5.0 lb. flatfish to the scales at the Carousel Center Flounder Tournament, held June 16 […]