This is the page where you can register for or access the video recordings of the Main Seminars offered at the Wilmington Saltwater Fishing School.
You can purchase access to video recordings of all five Main Seminars of the Wilmington school. These five Main Seminars will be a mix of Inshore, Nearshore, and Offshore presentations. Each of the five Main Seminars will last one hour and have up to three captains working together to thoroughly cover their particular subject material and give their different perspectives on what works for them.
Main Seminar Topics: Speckled Trout, Nearshore & Offshore Bottom Fishing, Red Drum, Black Drum & Sheepshead, and Nearshore & Offshore Trolling
The $20 ticket price for these video recordings will gain you unlimited access for three months, so you’ll be able to watch again and again to take notes and get everything you can from the presentations.
Wilmington Main Seminar Video Recordings
Wilmington Main Seminars Video Registration: This is the page to register for the 6 one-hour Video Recordings of the Inshore Main Seminars offered at the Wilmington School.
Wilmington Main Seminars Video Access: This is the page where you access the 6 one-hour Video Recordings of the Inshore Main Seminars offered at the Wilmington School.
Access to the 2024 Main Seminar school videos will start being available within five days from the March 9 school date, but you can access a similar library of videos right now from our More Fish Video Library.