One great fringe benefit of fishing three to four times a week, this time of year, is the fresh fish I get to work with for my recipes. And fresh local fish is the key to success with seafood.
And as you may also know by now, I generally try to keep things simple when it comes to preparing seafood. My belief is the dishes turn out to be more delicious in most cases.
This next recipe I combine a classic with one of our best local fish, the grouper. Keep in mind with this recipe that you may also substitute any white fish in place of grouper.
You will need:
1 Pyrex baking dish
2 (8 oz.) boneless grouper portions
4 slices of Muenster cheese (or your favorite white cheese)
4 slices of ham (smoked, honey, or off-the-bone)
1/2 cup cooked spinach (cooled)
salt & pepper
olive oil
2 small pads of real butter
To start, pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Then secure your cutting board with a wet paper towel underneath.
Cut your fish by butterflying the fillets, being sure not to cut all the way through (just like you would butterfly a chicken breast to stuff it).
Now open the fillets and add ham, cheese, and spinach to each piece of grouper. Once all the ingredients are placed, fold the top of the grouper fillets back over, and finish by putting salt and pepper on each piece of fish.
Use your olive oil to both coat the baking dish and to rub all over the fish. Next place the oil-coated stuffed fillets in a baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until white fat is seen from the top of the fish.
Then pull your dish from the oven and add butter to the top of each piece.
This fish dish finishes well with garlic mashed potatoes.
Eat fish twice a week,
Chef Danny H.
Danny Hieronymus was born and raised in Wrightsville Beach into a commercial fishing family and has been catching fish throughout NC all his life. He has also been cooking with his mother since he was 8 years old in the family restaurant. He can be reached at