David Bowman with a 29 lb., 3 oz. king mackerel he hooked on a light-lined spanish sardine while bottom fishing 50 miles off Little River on the "Westwind."
Mark, of Shallow Minded Inshore Fishing, reports that more big red drum (10-15 lbs.) have shown up at the Little River jetties, but some days they don’t seem to want to eat. Live pogies and shrimp will tempt bites from them when they’re on the feed.
Drifting the inlet with live shrimp has been producing action with flounder, bonnethead sharks, bluefish, and variety of other species. Rising tides have been producing the best fishing, especially for the flounder.
More mullet are coming out of the inlet, and spanish mackerel are showing up in better numbers to feed on them. Anglers caught several last week on bottom rigs, but they’ll take an interest in a variety of lures or free-lined live baits when they’re on the feed.
Inshore, anglers have been catching some black drum, smaller reds, and croakers in the creeks off Dunn Sound. Live shrimp are attracting their attention.
Patrick, of Capt. Smiley’s Fishing Charters, reports that drifting Little River Inlet on the incoming tides is producing some solid flounder action, though anglers must weed through the undersized fish to get to the keepers. Live mud minnows have been producing the best results on the flatfish.
Along with the flounder, anglers are catching a mixed bag of whiting, speckled and gray trout, bonnethead sharks, red drum, and more at the inlet. Live shrimp are fooling the widest variety of fish.
Fishing higher tides in the ICW is producing plenty of red drum action, and chunks of blue crab have been some of the most effective baits lately.
Black and red drum are feeding in Dunn Sound, and anglers are also hooking up with reds and flounder in Bonaparte Creek. Live and Gulp shrimp on jigheads are producing results on the drum and flounder.
Bryan, of Fish-On Outfitters, reports that anglers are still catching good numbers of flounder in the marshes and creeks at Cherry Grove. Drifting with live mud minnows has been the most productive tactic, and decent numbers of red drum are also falling for the minnows.
Bottom fishing with shrimp has been producing plenty of action with croakers, whiting, and a mix of other bottom dwellers as well.
Mike, of Cherry Grove Pier, reports that anglers are catching some big spanish mackerel (3-5 lbs.) on plugs and live baits.
Fishing smaller live baits on the bottom is producing action with flounder and some red drum.
Whiting and other bottom feeders are falling for shrimp-baited bottom rigs.
The water is 83 degrees.