Brant, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that the northeast winds slowed down the king mackerel bite last week, and many boats were finding mostly amberjacks and undersized kings at the typical spots, despite good looking water and an abundance of bait.
Pogies are schooling along the beaches, so anglers shouldn’t have much trouble catching live baits.
Dangling a few baits from a kite while at anchor over a productive spot will increase an angler’s odds in the tough conditions, and the method produced strikes from king mackerel, sharks, barracuda, cobia, and dolphin last week. Chumming is a good idea as well.
Good bottom fishing reports are coming in from the ledges and live bottoms southwest of the Frying Pan Tower in 95-100′ of water. The bottom bouncers are landing good numbers of beeliners along with scamps and other grouper.
There are plenty of sharks feeding inshore right now, and anglers are battling them in the Cape Fear River channel and along the shoals while baiting up with cut pogies.
Kyle, of Ocean Isle Fishing Center, reports that flounder fishing has been solid over the course of the week in Tubbs, Shallotte, and Little River Inlets. Many of the flounder are 16-20″ and 2-3 lbs., and anglers landed flatfish as large as 8 lbs. in Tubbs Inlet last week. Carolina-rigged pogies and finger mullet are producing most of the flounder action.
Speckled trout have been feeding in Tubbs Inlet and around the Little River jetties, too, and they are also falling for the finger mullet and pogies.
Large red drum are feeding in Little River Inlet, with most measuring 30-40″ (the biggest was 44″). Drifting with live finger mullet on the bottom has produced bites from drum.
The sheepshead bite has been good along the jetties and around structure in the ICW.
Spadefish are schooled up on the nearshore reefs like the Caudle and General Sherman, and there have been plenty of jelly balls around to use for spade baits.
David, of Capt. Hook Outdoors, reports that the grouper bite has been slower in the 110′ and deeper areas lately, but anglers have found some good action in around 90′.
King mackerel have been feeding around ledges, live bottoms, and other spots 3-15 miles offshore recently. There have been plenty of pogies along Ocean Isle and Holden Beach, so gathering bait hasn’t been a problem lately.
Spadefish are holding on the General Sherman, 7 Mile Boxcars, and other nearshore structure, and anglers can hook them by baiting up with pieces of jelly ball.
Flounder fishing is still good in the inlets, where the warm water has the flatfish congregating instead of the creeks. Carolina-rigged live baits will attract attention from the flounder.
Trey, of Ocean Isle Pier, reports that anglers are catching speckled trout and pompano in the mornings on live shrimp.
Bottom fishermen are landing some croaker.
A few bluefish are falling for Gotcha plugs.