The Fisherman’s Post Saltwater Podcast Series was created to help people catch more fish more often and to promote the captains, guides, and businesses that depend upon a healthy fishing community.
We release a new podcast every other Tuesday.
For our Premium Members, we make early releases of podcasts available (you can access our podcasts one week earlier than our public release) and we feature bonus content from our podcast guests that isn’t available publicly. For more information and/or to register for podcast early release access and podcast bonus content, please visit Premium Content.
You can watch our video podcasts on the following outlets:
YouTube and
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You can listen to our audio podcasts on several media outlets:
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and
Having trouble subscribing? Learn how to subscribe to the audio podcast.
If you would like to access early releases of our podcasts (one week early) and the bonus content from our podcasts guests that we film after the conclusion of the featured podcast episode, then simply become a member of our Premium Content.