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Podcast Benefits

For our Premium Content Members, we make early releases of podcasts available (you can access our podcasts one week earlier than our public release) and we feature bonus content from our podcast guests that isn’t available publicly.  For more information (including a list of all of the benefits of Premium Content Membership) and/or to register for podcast early release access and podcast bonus content, please visit Premium Content.

Podcast Early Releases

If you would like to access early releases of our podcasts (one week earlier than our public releases) and generally support our efforts to bring you helpful content from local captains and guides sharing their thoughts and knowledge on how to catch more fish more often, then simply become a member of our Premium Content.

Click here for previous Podcast Highlights.

Podcast Bonus Content

If you would like to access bonus content from our podcasts guests where we continue the discussion on the particular species and type of fishing, then simply become a member of our Premium Content.

Click here for Podcast Bonus Content highlights.

Other Benefits

The same Premium Content Membership that offers podcast benefits also includes access to our weekly fishing reports and forecasts covering the entire North Carolina coast delivered in audio formats.

Click here for Weekly Fishing Report and Forecast highlights.

In addition, the Premium Content Membership includes access to our More Fish Video Library, a collection of recordings of numerous saltwater fishing school seminars.

Click here for More Fish Video Library highlights.