May 2 – 4, 2025
1. So people registered for the Surf Division only compete against other surf anglers for Primary Prize payouts, and people registered for the Pier Division only compete against other pier anglers for Primary Prize payouts?
Yes, that is correct.
2. The tournament is paying out for four different species of fish for both Surf and Pier, but why is the tournament paying out five places each species for Surf and only three places each species for Pier?
We pay out the same percentage of entry fee money for both the Surf and Pier divisions, but we pay out three places for Pier because there are typically less Pier entries than Surf and we want to make the payouts worthwhile for pier anglers who make the leaderboard.
3. What about the two TWTs and the Junior, Lady, and Senior angler payouts?
There is a separate Red Drum TWT for the Surf Division and a separate Trout TWT for the Pier Division, but there is just one Junior, Lady, and Senior champion–each champion will be based on the heaviest leaderboard fish weighed in by either a Surf or a Pier angler. TWT fish (Surf red drum and Pier trout) do not count towards these prizes.
4. Do anglers have to fish from the same pier for the entire tournament?
No, anglers are free to move between the three qualifying piers.
5. Does my entry fee into the tournament include my entry fees onto the piers?
No, participants much purchase a pier pass from the pier(s) they wish to fish.
6. May I use a trolley/pin rig from the pier? Can fish be landed from the piers with drop nets/gaffs?
No, a trolley or pin rig is no longer acceptable acceptable (no anchor rods). Drop nets are acceptable according to the rules; however, gaffs are not allowed.
7. Can we drive on the beach in Surf City? How do I find out information about camping, tents, fires, alcohol, and bathrooms for Surf City?
No, beach driving in Surf City has been closed since Hurricane Florence in 2018 took away significant portions on the beach. Call (910) 328-4131 or visit for more information on access, camping, and amenities.
8. Can we drive on the beach in North Topsail? How do I find out information about camping, tents, fires, alcohol, and bathrooms for North Topsail?
Yes, but every vehicle entering the North Topsail Beach 4×4 Permissible Driving Area must obtain an access pass. Passes can be purchased by downloading the SurfCast app (available for both Apple and Android). Call (910) 328-1349 or visit for more information on driving, camping, and amenities.
9. Can we drive on the beach in Topsail Beach? How do I find out information about camping, tents, fires, alcohol, and bathrooms for Topsail Beach?
Driving on the beach is not allowed after March 30. Call (910) 328-5841 or visit for more information on driving, camping, and amenities.
10 .When do you update the leaderboard over the weekend of fishing, and where can I find the updated leaderboards?
Updates will be done at 10:00 am on Saturday, 8:00 pm on Saturday, and 9:00 am on Sunday, and each update will be posted in two places:
Facebook: Latest updates will be posted to the top of our feed at
Weigh-In Stations: Each weigh-in station will have a whiteboard with the latest updates.
11. Can I register for the tournament on the Friday before fishing starts at 11:59 pm?
Yes, registration will be open from 4:00 pm until 11:00 pm on Friday.
12. Do I have to come by Registration in person to pick up my arm band, or can I have someone stop by and pick it up for me?
Every angler must pick up their arm band in person. No exceptions.
13. Do all fish have to be weighed in alive?
No, there are no live weigh-in requirements for any of the fish categories (including the Surf Red Drum TWT and the Pier Trout TWT).
14. What are the weigh stations for the weekend?
For the Pier Division, anglers must weigh their fish in at the pier the fish was caught—Seaview Pier (North Topsail Beach), Surf City Pier (Surf City), or Jolly Roger Pier (Topsail Beach). Surf anglers can weigh in at any pier and at East Coast Sports. The piers will each be open 24 hours all weekend, and East Coast Sports will be open their normal store hours.
15. When do you do the raffles, and do I have to be present to win a raffle prize?
We will be doing raffles immediately following awards on Sunday, and yes you must be present to win.